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For anyone who wants to learn more about Gaza, we say, “START HERE!” Written by Gazans, for YOU, we will proudly say that this is an irreplaceable resource for anyone interested in the Palestinian, and specifically Gazan, cause. So, scroll on. Explore the subjects below. Be sure to share this resource with your family and friends and on social media. And revisit this and all other pages regularly. All pages updated periodically.

Life Under Occupation

Explore the pages below to learn about LIFE UNDER OCCUPATION. Distinct from life under bombardment, the pages of this section focus on what life looked like for Gazans in the Gaza Strip on October 6, 2023 and all other “normal” (non-war/escalation) days.


While unknown to the majority of the world, the rich Gazan culture has roots in ancient history and a myriad of unique traditions. And, here at MDG, we are dedicated to sharing them with you! Explore the pages below to learn about Gazan CULTURE.

Coming soon!


There is an Arabic proverb that says, “Falseness lasts an hour, truth lasts until the end of time.” Perhaps that is why Gazans are so fond of education and memorizing figures and facts. Let out your inner Gazan by studying some FACTS. And remember that any and all forms of allyship and support are limited if they are not founded on knowledge.

Coming soon!


In Gaza, faith is the guiding force that shapes Gazan life and the thread that weaves together the fabric of Gazan culture, instilling hope, perseverance, and unity in the face of adversity. People oftentimes note Gazans’ seemingly inhuman strength and their astonishing ability to persevere no matter what; what they fail to note, however, is the source and that is FAITH.

Gaza Now!

The situation in Gaza is dire. Keep up with the latest figures by visiting our page dedicated to the ongoing war on and genocide in Gaza. Also, learn what you can–and should–do to show your solidarity with Gaza and support for the people of Gaza!